Imperial Stocking Cap - Winter Golf Necessity.
By John Ehle
End-of-season rounds can be a challenge if you aren't properly attired. It's common knowledge that we lose more body heat from our heads than any other area so pull on the Imperial stocking cap from their Keep Warm Knits Weather Strong Collection. These fleece-lined, tasseled caps are waterproof and stylish with your club logo and colors. Extend your season with a toasty Imperial cap.
Purchase your hat online at www.imperialsports.com
Revised: 10/16/2015 - Article Viewed 33,623 Times
About: John Ehle
John Ehle writes for GolfWisconsin.com, GolfTrips,com and other golf-related sites in the US. He has attended 6 Open Championships in the British Isles and many men's and women's US Opens and PGA Championships as well as Ryder Cups and President's Cups.
His primary international writing is golf course reviews and travel articles. He also writes about golf equipment and other golf-related products. Most recently he traveled to Cuba and will be in SE Asia for 6 weeks in February and March, 2012.
He writes a weekly column for a metropolitan newspaper in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. He is a 10 handicap golfer and has competed in many Wisconsin State Golf Association events.